4 research outputs found

    Análise da aplicabilidade das regras de ouro ao tuning de sistemas gerenciadores de bancos de dados relacionais em ambientes de computação em nuvem

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Marcos Sfair SunyeTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 07/03/2014Inclui referênciasResumo: A computação em nuvem oferece um ambiente bastante propício para o provimento de serviços de TI. A virtualização, tecnologia que compõe sua base possibilita simular sobre um computador físico, uma ou mais estações de trabalho chamadas máquinas virtuais, que permitem maior exibilidade e melhor racionalização de sua infraestrutura. A incorporação de sistemas legados aos ambientes em nuvem como forma de contenção de custo é uma demanda frequente e altamente relevante. Para isso, é comum o emprego do modelo multi-inquilino do tipo shared-hardware, no qual o sistema gerenciador de banco de dados e o sistema legado ficam hospedados em máquinas virtuais que competem, junto às demais, por recursos computacionais. Neste ambiente, é vital o emprego de estratégias de tuning que objetivam melhorias no desempenho do banco de dados. Porém, os sistemas gerenciadores de banco de dados relacionais não foram inicialmente projetados para serem executados em ambientes shared-hardware. Consequentemente, seus parâmetros de configuração, comumente alvos de regras de tuning, não consideram o fato de que os recursos disponíveis variam ao longo do tempo, devido ao provisionamento dinâmico comum em ambientes elásticos. Esta tese propõe um método de avaliação que, por meio da simulação de cargas de trabalho de acesso a disco oriundas de máquinas virtuais concorrentes, demonstra a inadequação do emprego das regras de tuning, conhecidas como regras-de-ouro, encontradas na literatura e/ou recomendadas por experts. Nossos resultados apontam para a definição de novas regras-de-ouro, específicas para ambientes virtualizados, além de viabilizar a criação de um modelo para o tuning automático de sistemas gerenciadores de banco de dados relacionais em ambientes de computação em nuvem. Palavras-Chave: sistema gerenciador de banco de dados relacional, virtualização, tuning, sistema legados, computação em nuvemAbstract: Cloud computing currently o_ers a very propitious environment for IT service provision. The virtualization, technology that compose their base enables to simulate in a physical computer one or more workstations called virtual machines that allow greater exibility and better use of its infrastructure. The incorporation of legacy systems to the cloud environments as a means of cost containment is a frequent and highly relevant demand. Therefore, it is common the use the multi-tenant model of shared-hardware type on which the database and legacy system are hosted on virtual machines that compete, with others, for computational resources. In this environment it is vital the use of tuning strategies that aim to improve the performance of the database. However, the relational database management systems were not initially designed to execute on shared-hardware environments. Consequently, its con_guration parameters, commonly targets of tuning rules, do not consider the fact that the available resources vary over time due to the common dynamic provisioning that is common in elastic environments. This thesis proposes an evaluation methodology that, simulates I/O workloads from concurrent virtual machines and demonstrates the inadequacy of the use of tuning rules, known as rules-ofthumb, found in literature and/or recommended by experts. Our results point to the new rules-of-thumb, speci_c to virtualized environments while also make feasible the creation of a model for automatic tuning of database in cloud computing environments. Keywords: relational database management system, virtualization, tuning, legacy systems, cloud computing

    New Perspectives for NoSQL Database Design: A Systematic Review

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    The use of NoSQL databases has increasingly become a trend in software development, mainly due to the expansion of Web 2.0 systems. However, there is not yet a standard to be used for the design of this type of database even with the growing number of studies related to this subject. This paper presents a systematic review looking for new trends regarding strategies used in this context. The result of this process demonstrates that there are still few methodologies for the NoSQL database design and there are no design methodologies capable of working with polyglot persistence

    PDDM: A Database Design Method for Polyglot Persistence

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    Databases by Web 2.0 has revealed the limitations of the relational model related to scalability. This led to the emergence of NoSQL databases, with data storage models other than relational ones. These databases propose solutions to such limitations through horizontal scalability and partially compromise data consistency. The combination of multiple data models, called polyglot persistence, extends these solutions by providing resources for the implementation of complex systems that have components with distinct requirements that would not be possible by the use of only one data model in a satisfactory way. However, there are no consolidated methods for the NoSQL database design and neither methods for design systems that apply the polyglot persistence. This work proposes a database design method applied to systems that use polyglot persistence, combining different data models. This method can be applied to the relational model and aggregate-oriented NoSQL data models. The method defines a set of sub-steps based on the existing concepts of database design. The goal is to define a formal process to assist in defining the data models to be used and to transform the conceptual design into a logical design. The method application is demonstrated in some test cases, in order to show its results and applicability for later execution of the physical design of these databases